Wednesday, August 1, 2012

God Choose the Improbable to Reveal the Incredible

Lately, I've been astounded and marveled at this simple truth: 

God chooses the improbable to reveal the incredible. 

It's true. God chooses the weak, the weary, and WOWS the world. He hand selects the imperfect, to accomplish the impossible!

This morning I was thinking about the victory at Jericho. We've all heard the account of Joshua and Caleb. Their courage, obedience and faith are inspiring...but today...I looked at the story from a different perspective. When Joshua sent two spies to scout out Jericho, the king of Jericho commanded that they be handed over to him. God, however, chose Rehab, a prostitute, to provide shelter and escape for Israel’s spies.[1] 

WOW. Talk about an unlikely vessel. Rehab's reputation proceeded her. But God looked pass her messed up world, even her sin, and called her to a place of decision. Would she betray the spies and make extra money? Or, would she, in that moment, recognize GOD and respond to His PLAN?

As we read the story, we know that Rehab's obedience to God provided Israel with the advantage they needed. We know the rest of that story as The Battle of Jericho, the battle where Joshua led Israel to march around the city and on the seventh day blow trumpets? Remember how the walls came crashing down? 

But that victory all began with the faithfulness of a prostitute, a prostitute who provided shelter for Israel’s spies. It all began with a woman, who used what she had (a small house) to shelter God’s people. 

What’s interesting about Rehab is that after God’s people spared her and her household, this obscure prostitute re-surfaces in Matthew’s genealogy of the life of Christ. Matthew names her as the wife of Salmon and the mother of Boaz. [2] 

Friend, God uses the unlikely. He doesn't wait for us to get all cleaned up before He uses us...He simply shows up and offers us the opportunity to respond. When we take steps of obedience...HE DOES THE AMAZING!

Remember this...YOU ARE GOD'S WORKMANSHIP...HIS MASTERPIECE...He has great plans for you. You were created on purpose for a purpose! Today, ask God what HIS PLAN is for your life and meditate on one of my favorite passages of Scripture: Ephesians 2:10--"we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. " (NIV)

[1] Joshua 2:1-14
[2] Matthew 1:10

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