Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Let Go of What Was...Embrace What is...Look Forward to What is Yet to Come!

Wow! Can you believe we are already into the 2nd week of the New Year? As promised, I will begin writing and posting thoughts at least 3 times a week. I hope you enjoy my written and video blogs...My prayer is that God will use them to inspire you to LIVE YOUR LIFE to its fullest this year and that GOD speaks to you, as I share what He is teaching me.

As we approach our New Year...many of us want to start over. So, as we begin this New Year...I thought I'd share a thought that I shared last year, on starting over.

Here are a few thoughts on starting over:
  • First, recognize that part of starting over means something else has ended. Loss of a loved one. Marriage. Divorce. Sickness. Healing. Birth of a child. Waywardness of your teenage child. Growing older. Loss of a position. Promotion. All of these circumstances, constitute change. And change, even when it's good can cause stress.
I remember after the birth of my daughter, and then the birth of my son, as joyful as those moments were, their gift of life also meant a surrender of what was. No more care free nights of doing what I wanted (at least not routinely). Diapers, dishes, laundry all mounted as did my frustrations for my loss of free time and my future idealistic ideas of ministry and travelling the world.
Friends, it's OK to grieve. It's OK to feel loss even in blessings and especially OK to take every broken dream to God.

Some of my dearest friends have experienced considerable loss this year...death of loved ones, an unfaithful spouse, divorce, sickness, and children changing from doting loving children to unyielding, wild running, untamed horses--resisting their upbringing of godly teachings.
In moments like these we must let go of all our own strength, and submit every concern, fear, and regret to God. 

Philippians 4:6-7 says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. " (NIV)
Allow yourself time to grieve, to let go of "what was" and to embrace "what is" by submitting everything to God in prayer.
  • The second part of restarting, after letting go of "what was" is embracing "what is".
Whew. Now that's a tall order. How do you embrace what is without allowing it to kill your hope of what is yet to come?

Can I just say, I don't have this down perfect yet. But part of what I'm learning is that "embracing what is doesn't mean embracing the discouragement but rather embrace God in the midst of the pain.

The last two years caused me much heartache. We've lost every inch of stable ground to stand on...except GOD Himself. And in the process, God stripped us of our self-reliance and self-determination. Every day demanded hitting the restart button, and a surrender to embrace the Truth of WHO GOD IS and rest in His promises, knowing He works all things together for our good.
Throughout our last two years we undertook three moves, three job changes, sold houses, purchased new businesses, sold a couple business, ventured to new locations, found new churches, built new friendships and let go of past ones, helped our children during each transition, said goodbye to accustomed luxuries and learned to live on less in order to live more for the kingdom...at each turn...there was a death to self and an embracing of the cross we were called to carry.
I imagine many of you can relate. Times have not been easy for many in these last couple of years. So, the key to successfully hitting the restart button to life, is to EMBRACE GOD. Embrace His Goodness. To remember WHO we serve. And KNOW He is able to do the impossible.

In order to successfully hit the "restart button" we have to:
  • Let go of "what was", embrace "what is", and always look forward to "what is yet to come".
Friends, life is full of change. And in the midst of the fiery furnace, in the midst of desert wanderings, in the midst of tyrant kings who search to destroy our lives...it can be tough to remember..."OUR STORY ISN'T FINISHED YET!"

Throughout the hardships of my life, childhood abuse, sexual abuse, divorce, neglect, years of searching for significance, economic hardships, betrayals...GOD HAS NEVER LEFT ME! And in the midst of the most horrific situations HE ALONE established my hope and gave me strength to press on, reminding me..."JULIE, YOUR STORY ISN'T FINISHED YET!" And today, I want to encourage you...NEITHER IS YOURS!!!

You hit the restart button every day, every minute of every day, and every second of every minute by holding fast to the truth that GOOD THINGS are yet to come. God doesn't waste anything.
Isaiah 43:18-19, "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." (NIV)

In the MIDST of our desert God provides streams, and HE WILL work ALL THINGS together for our GOOD. Jeremiah 29:11 promises, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (NIV)

Friends, HIT THE RESTART BUTTON! Let go of what was, embrace what is, and ALWAYS look forward to WHAT IS YET TO COME!

PRAYER: Father, give us strength to do everything listed in this post. And may our lives reflect Your goodness. Hold fast to us. Never let us fail. Thank You for Your love. We put our hope in You. Help us to start each day fresh, confident in WHO YOU ARE. AMEN.

1 comment:

  1. Julie, this is an absolutely awesome post and backs up the book I have been studying. Thank you for writing it. But you always seem to write what I need when I need it. God bless you.


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