Thursday, November 15, 2012

Questions of Why and What that Set Us Free

Isn't it sad how easily our motives can get twisted? Proverbs 16:2-3 says: "All a man's ways seem innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the LORD. Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." (NIV)

Every day, as I seek to serve God, I battle against fleshly tendencies. Jesus said the greatest among you would be the servant of all. He said if anyone desires to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow after me.

I, like many believers, exclaim "Lord, I will follow You! I will serve! I will go where You call me! I will serve! I will take up my cross and follow after You!" Sounds noble doesn't it? But then, comes the part of the cross that demands EVERYTHING. The cross isn't a pretty gold symbol I wear around my neck; the cross means death to SELF...which in my life...proves to be a hard thing to nail to its final death. At times, I am completely blinded by my own initiatives and agendas. The truth of Proverbs 16:2-3 proves a little too real in my life; all my ways seem innocent to in my own mind!

But, THANK GOD, for His Spirit. Thank God, it's not up to my own power...but HIS! His Spirit truly counsels me, empowers me, and challenges me with questions that pierce through my own reasoning, helping me to see more like God sees things; He exposes the truth; He sets me FREE from ME with questions for WHY and WHAT. If we're honest, I think we'd all agree that the world's philosophy of SELF has a way of creeping into our thoughts and intertwining with our motives; which raises the question, How do we know if our motives are pure?

I thought I'd share some ways that God challenges my motives to purify my ambitions; I hope they help you. I'd also love to hear your thoughts:

1. God's Spirit constantly challenges me to question WHY:
  • Why are you ministering to this person?
  • Why did you say that? 
  • Why are you volunteering for that?
  • Why are you meeting with this person?
  • Why are you promoting this?
My answers to these questions expose the condition of my heart. When I answer them objectively and honestly, I am able to recognize the root of why I do what I do. I compare my answers with God's Word. Passages of Scripture like Philippians 2:1-8 help to remind me of God's will and the standard by which I must measure my life.

2. A second way God challenges and purifies my motives is by questioning WHAT:
  • What do you hope to accomplish by being involved?
  • What do you want from this person?
  • What do you desire from this alliance? 
Am I serving out of obedience or for recognition? Do I serve because God's love compels me or because I want to accomplish? Do I pretend to love in hopes of getting connected for selfish reasons, or do I walk through the doors God continues to open and look for opportunities to simply love as He has loved me...
Do I love preferentially? Or do I love God's children, regardless of their positions! These questions of WHY or WHAT shape all of my interactions with family, friends, and acquaintances...

Why do I say what I say to my spouse? Is it because I genuinely have his best interest at I using my words to manipulate to get what I want? Beneath every interaction, am I serving to extend God's love...or am I working to create a world for my own benefit?

Do I serve other families more than I serve my own? Do I give just as much attention and love to the one who has nothing to give me back...or do I align my life to hang out with people who can advance the cause...

Philippians 2:3-5 is a passage of Scripture that challenges my soul: I am committed to live it with all my life. It says, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus." (NIV)

What helps you keep your motives pure? I'd love to read your thoughts; feel free to share them below!

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